NEW Cover video from Croatia!

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NEW Cover video from Croatia!

Hi Guys,

Hope you’re all well and keeping safe during the pandemic.

As many of you know, I’m becoming a seasoned professional at (responsibly) traveling during Covid-19. When the pandemic struck I was minding my own business happily playing music in Barbados. Five months later I find myself doing much the same in Croatia.

My experience was not what I expected, in the sense that Croatia actually felt safer than the UK. After getting home from the trip I did some reading and the statistics actually indicate that Croatia currently is quite far down the hit list. This for me brings some reassurance to my initial feelings.

So enough about the virus, it sucks — I/we know. 🙂

Lets talk music! My favourite topic, of course! We filmed this one-take video (vid below) during our last sunset in Croatia. It was completely spur of the moment. We grabbed a phone (and a drone), jumped in our left-hand drive 9 seater van and drove on the right side of the road (sketchy!) towards the sunset. Pulling over in a beautiful spot in Zaton, we grabbed the camera, I sat down and hey presto… there you have it! Nothing like a bit of impromptu magic!

To be fair… I suggested above that this making music videos thing is an in-the-moment and easy thing to accomplish. In all honesty, its not. The technical elements (sound production and visual production) are pretty complex and required years of dedication, investment and training. Also the process of finding this shooting location took place at around 7 am each morning as I jogged along the waterfront getting my health in. I like to scout out locations this way. Where’s the sun going to be in the morning / evening? What’s the landscape like, where will I perform, where will the camera be and do we need additional lighting? Etc, etc.

So I suppose the motto here is… if you get all of your prep done, you may just be able to pull off a last minute, spontaneous music video shoot, just before the sun sets on the last night of your adventure abroad. Try it? There’s no rush like it! 🙂

Without any further blog-ness… here it is! I really hope you like the song. It’s a popular wedding song I had the pleasure of being introduced to at my friends Tyler & Jodie’s wedding. I performed a custom version for them on their special day. The song has stayed with me ever since, it’s an absolutely beautiful song.

How can you help Matt during Covid-19?

1. Book Matt’s live music for your #Wedding, #PrivateParty or #PubGarden.

2. Are you interested in learning to play music? Join Matt’s online guitar & vocal lessons. Enquire today via the Contact Page or via Email: [email protected]

3. Finally the easiest step of all… you can support Matt by streaming his music on all major platforms:

  Click here: Covers Album Vol.3

 Click here: “CouldThisBeLove” – NEW original single

Thank you in advance if you do any of these 3 things. Especially streaming my music… if you pay for iTunes / Spotify / Youtube Music etc… it’s free to stream & I get a tinyyyy bit of pocket money each play… so please do listen on repeat! 😀 Ha!

So before I sign off… if you’d like to visit Croatia, or intrigued as to what it’s like – read on!

Check out the Croatia pics on my instagram: Click Here!

One huge take away from Croatia, for me has been the great architecture and the wonderful balance that has been created between authentic and modern design. Croatia seems to have a wonderful ability to combine its natural beauty (such as its mountainous backdrops) with stunningly uniform white stone buildings and red roofs.

Would I recommend Croatia? ☀️ For the architecture & breathtaking views, why yes I would!

Hope you enjoyed this read. See you all in the next one, be safe!

Matt x