Hi guys!
Ive found time to write another blog… I know! It’s a miracle! I’m sure life has been so busy for us all, not just me; but it’s great to take a couple of minutes out of our days and have a chat!
As many of you know I am ambassador for a Leicester, UK based charity called ‘Singing for Happiness’. They approached me recently to write an original charity single for them. I of course said yes & started work on a very special record called ‘RAIN’. After I had finished writing and recording the record the charity booked 15 talented artists from around the world to come together in a Leciester based studio ‘Yellow Bean Studios’ to sing on the record and I produced the record over the course of the 2 days.
It’s a very special feeling producing some of the most talented artists (in my opinion) for an original record. It’s not only a special feeling having aritist sing for my record but to come together to raise awareness and money for a very important charity.
The record will be available to purchase internationally. Further information will be available shortly. You can help support this record by sharing this blog on social media and ultimately purchasing the record when it is released.
Thank you again for all your support! Speak soon, Matt